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Mr. Huynh Van Nhung

Deputy General Director
Chief Quality Officer (CQO)

  • Year of birth: 1973
  • Hometown: Dong Thap Province
  • Nationality: Vietnamese
  • Qualification: Pharmacist of First Specialty

Monitoring strategic operation objectives of the Board; Monitoring implementation production sector and supervising the quality control system, labor safety and fire prevention; Collecting and preparing the reports of the Board and General Assembly of Shareholders, on the assigned areas upon request and before meetings; Complying with rights and duties prescribed by law and the company’s charter, and the Board’s decisions.


Mr. Nhung is a PGJ (Postgraduate Education Junior) with many years of experience in leading and organizing the implementation of drug quality assurance, providing professional, technical guidance on pharmaceutical work, etc.

In addition to his expertise, he also has the ability of a good and passionate manager. Since 2012, Mr. Nhung was officially appointed as Deputy General Director of Imexpharm. He is in charge of managing important areas of Production Division 1 including the quality assurance system (QA), quality control system (QC), Vinh Loc High-Tech Antibiotic Factory (IMP2), Non-Betalactam Factory, and Penicillin Factory. Concurrently, Mr. Nhung is also a member of the Company’s Sustainable Development Committee, in charge of the environment (ISO 14001), using energy, water, and occupational safety and health, jointly leading Production Division 1 operating in the right direction and making many contributions to the development of the whole Company.

Employment History

  • 1998 – 2007: Deputy Director of Quality Assurance (QA) Imexpharm
  • 2007 – 2012: Director of Quality Assurance Imexpharm
  • 2012 – May 2013: Deputy General Director of Imexpharm
  • April 2014 to present: Member of Board of Directors, Deputy General Director of Imexpharm